Has your IT company supported you as well as you needed over the pandemic?

Has your IT company supported you as well as you needed over the pandemic? Find reasons why you should consider switching IT providers.
IT support engineers working on computers and on the phone

With many staff wanting to work from home or work flexibly between the office and home, companies are having to take a different approach to how they manage their IT.

  • Has your IT company been proactive in supporting you to adapt your IT to the new normal?
  • Have you moved to a more agile cloud solution in a ‘new’ environment?
  • Was the transition as seamless as possible?
  • As we start 2022, is it time for a change?

Reasons why your current IT provider may no longer be the right fit for your business

  • Your IT company has not taken the time to talk to you about your business needs, growth plans or how you want to work going forward.
  • They have not been solving IT/infrastructure problems efficiently which have not been of your making or was caused by your staff.
  • They are not reactive or proactive when you raise a problem or issue.
  • The help desk speaks in a way that is full of IT jargon and leaves you feeling more confused.
  • Have they taken the time to explain DNS, Defrag, Packet sniffing/pinging, IP addresses and Azure Cloud to you?
  • Your IT company leaves you feeling nervous about the security of your systems and data.
  • You have outdated software and your computers are not fully patched or up to date.
  • They have not provided the latest infrastructure reports.
  • Your IT provider is not trained in the latest cloud solutions.
  • Impact IT Solutions are a Microsoft Gold certified company with ISO 9002 & 27001 certifications. All staff are fully trained to a very high level and are ready to help clients to either redefine their existing IT infrastructure or provide IT support, starting in 2022.

Why you should consider changing your IT provider

To discuss how we can help your business, get in touch with us by emailing us at [email protected] or call us on 0117 2020 200.

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