Go Gold for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month 2021

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Impact has helped turn Drew Barker Wright's website gold to honour such a good cause.
Impact IT Solutions icon with Children with Cancer UK logo overlay "Help raise awareness of Childhood Cancer"

Cancer in children and young people is rare.

About 1,900 children (up to the age of 15) in the UK are diagnosed with cancer each year. These cancers can be quite different from cancers affecting adults.

Impact has, for many years, supported The Drew Barker-Wright Charity.  The charity was set up by Drew’s parents to raise funds for research and to support families affected by Paediatric Chordoma and as a legacy to their sweet and beautiful son.

As September is ‘Go Gold’ for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, we have turned their logo gold on their website home page.

Impact would like to encourage everyone to raise as much awareness as possible this September about childhood cancer and donate to such an amazing and important cause.  The Drew Barker-Wright Charity has already raised and donated over £105,000 to help with research and we are proud to be associated with this wonderful charity.

If you would like to find out more and how you can help, visit www.dbwcharity.org.

Help make a difference today.

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